Orchid Database of Arunachal Pradesh
(Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University)
Zeuxine nervosa (Wall. ex Lindl.) Benth. ex Clark. 1885
Orchid ID: AR00711
Family: Orchidaceae
Sub-Family: Spiranthoideae
Tribe: Goodyereae
Sub-Tribe: Cheirostylidinae
Genus: Zeuxine
Species: nervosa
Common Name:
The Nerved Zeuxine.
Vernacular Name(s): In China Fang Xiang Xian Zhu Lan.
Adenostylis formosana (Rolfe) Hayata 1917; Adenostylis zamboangensis Ames 1923; Haplochilus nervosus (Wall. ex Lindl.) D. Dietr. 1852; Hetaeria nervosa Lindl. ex Wall. 1832; Heterozeuxine nervosa (Wall. ex Lindl.) T. Hashim. 1986; Monochilus nervosus Wall. ex Lindl. 1840; Zeuxine assamica I. Barua & K. Barua 1997; Zeuxine cognata Ohwi & T. Koyama 1957; Zeuxine fluvida Fukuy 1933; Zeuxine formosana Rolfe 1895; Zeuxine hengchuanense S. S. Ying 1977; Zeuxine somai Tuyama 1936; Zeuxine vittata Rolfe ex Downie 1925; Zeuxine zamboangensis (Ames) Ames 1938.
Collection Site: Tipi campus
Collected By: Dr. S. N. Hegde; RSI
IOSPE (Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia); Terrestrial Orchids Naresh Swami; Orchids of Arunachal Pradesh S. N. Hegde 1984; www.efloras.org; https://indiabiodiversity.org; www.theplantlist.org; https://biodiversity.bt; https://www.researchgate.net.
Habit: Monopodial
Altitude: Min: 548 m Max: 792 m
Latitude: From 0° 0' 0" N To 0° 0' 0" N
Longitude: From 0° 0' 0" E To 0° 0' 0" E
Flowering Period Start: JANUARY
Flowering Period End: MARCH
Host Plant:
Geographical Area:
Cosmopolitian Distribution:
In India: Yes
In world: Yes
State: Arunachal Pradesh
No Data
In Wild: No
In Orchidarium (Name of Orchidariums):
No Data
Forest Type:
Tropical forest
Distributed Forest Area:
No Data
No Data
Flower Size: 8-9 mm across
Flower Color: White
Season of Flower: Winter
Tissue Culture Technique(s) Established
Publication Source:
Herbarium Number: S. N. Hegde, Tipi campus, Collection No. 6500, 02/02/1983, Collection No. 6496- A, 02/02/1983, Collection No. 3496-B, 022/1983, Collection No. 6496-C, 6496, 02/02/1983; RSI, Tipi capmus, Collection No. 18598, 25/02/1985, Collection No. 18598, 25/02/1985, Collection No. 18547, 25/02/1985.
Organisation where Deposited: