AR00116 |
Calanthe alismaefolia Lindl. 1854 |
AR00117 |
Calanthe alpina Hook. f. ex Lindl. 1854 |
The Alpine Calanthe |
AR00118 |
Calanthe angusta Lindl. 1854 |
AR00119 |
Calanthe biloba Lindl. 1854 |
The Two Lobed Calanthe |
AR00120 |
Calanthe brevicornu Lindl. 1833 |
The Short Spurred Calanthe |
2 |
AR00121 |
Calanthe chloroleuca Lindl. 1854 |
The Greenish-White Calanthe |
AR00122 |
Calanthe clavata Lindl. 1833 |
The Short Spurred Calanthe |
AR00123 |
Calanthe densiflora Lindl. 1833 |
The Densely Flowered Calanthe |
AR00124 |
Calanthe gracilis Lindl. 1833 |
AR00125 |
Calanthe griffithii Lindl. 1854 |
Griffith's Calanthe |
AR00126 |
Calanthe herbacea Lindl. 1854 |
The Herb-Like Calanthe |
AR00127 |
Calanthe keshabii Lucksom. |
1 |
AR00128 |
Calanthe mannii Hook. f. 1890 |
Mann's Calanthe |
1 |
AR00129 |
Calanthe masuca (D. Don) Lindl. 1833 |
AR00130 |
Calanthe pachystalix Reichb. f. ex Hook. f. 1890 |
AR00131 |
Calanthe plantaginea Lindl. 1833 |
The Plantago-Like Calanthe |
2 |
AR00132 |
Calanthe puberula Lindl. 1833 |
The Hairy Calanthe |
AR00133 |
Calanthe sylvatica (Thou.) Lindl. 1833 |
The Forest-Dwelling Calanthe |
2 |
AR00134 |
Calanthe tricarinata Lindl. 1833 |
Monkey Orchid, Hardy Calanthe Orchid, The Three Keeled Calanthe |
AR00135 |
Calanthe triplicata (Willemet) Ames. 1907 |
The Thrice Folded Calanthe, The Christmas Orchid |
AR00136 |
Calanthe trulliformis king & Pantl. 1895 |
The Trulliform Calanthe |
AR00137 |
Callostylis bambusifolia (Lindl.) S. C. Chen & J. J. Wood. 2009 |
AR00138 |
Callostylis rigida Bl. 1825 |
AR00139 |
Camarotis mannii King & Pantl. 1898 |
AR00140 |
Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce. 1906 |
Damason's Cephalanthera |
AR00141 |
Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Fritsch. 1888 |
Sword Leaved Helleborina, The Long-Leafed Cephalanthera, The White Lady |
AR00142 |
Cephalantheropsis longipes (Hook. f.) Ormerod. |
The Long Stemmed Cephalantheropsis |
AR00143 |
Ceratostylis himalaica Hook. f. 1890 |
The Himalayan Ceratostylis |
AR00144 |
Ceratostylis subulata Blume. 1825 |
The Terete Ceratostylis |
AR00145 |
Chamaegastrodia shikokiana Makino & Maekawa. 1935 |
The Shikoki Chamaegastrodia |
AR00146 |
Cheirostylis chinensis var. glabra Bhaumik & M. K. Pathak. 1895 |
The Chinese Cheirostylis |
AR00147 |
Cheirostylis griffithii Lindl. 1857 |
Griffith's Cheirostylis |
AR00148 |
Cheirostylis gunnarii A. N. Rao. |
AR00149 |
Cheirostylis munnacampensis A. N. Rao. 1988 |
AR00150 |
Cheirostylis pusilla Lindl. 1840 |
The Tiny Cheirostylis |
AR00151 |
Cheirostylis sessanica A. N. Rao. 1988 |
AR00152 |
Cheirostylis tippica A. N. Rao. 1991 |
AR00153 |
Cheirostylis yunnanensis Rolfe. 1896 |
The Yunnan Cheirostylis |
AR00154 |
Chiloschista parishii Seidenf. 1988 |
Parish's Chiloschista |
AR00155 |
Chiloschista usneoides (D. Don) Lindl. 1832 |
Lichen-Like Chiloschista |
AR00156 |
Chrysoglossum assamicum Hook. f. 1890 |
The Assam Chrysoglossum |
AR00157 |
Chrysoglossum ornatum Blume. 1825 |
The Ornate Chrysoglossum |
AR00158 |
Chrysoglossum erraticum Hook. f. 1890 |
The Ornate Chrysoglossum |
AR00159 |
Chrysoglossum robinsonii Ridl. 1915 |
The Chinese Collabium |
AR00160 |
Cirrhopetalum amplifolium Rolfe. |
AR00161 |
Cirrhopetalum andersonii Hook. f. 1870 |
AR00162 |
Cirrhopetalum hookerii Duthei. 1902 |
AR00163 |
Cirrhopetalum loherianum Kraenzl. |
AR00164 |
Cirrhopetalum pulchrum N. E. Brown. 1886 |
AR00165 |
Cirrhopetalum retusiusculum (Reichb. f.) Hemsl. 1869 |
AR00166 |
Cirrhopetalum roxburghii Lindl. 1830 |
AR00167 |
Cleisocentron pallens (Cathcart ex Lindl.) N. Pearce & P. J. Cribb. 2001 |
The Pale Cleisocentron |
AR00168 |
Cleisocentron trichromum (Reichb. f.) Bruhl. 1926 |
AR00169 |
Cleisostoma appendiculatum (Lindl.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Jackson. 1895 |
The Appendaged Cleisostoma |
AR00170 |
Cleisostoma aspersum (Reichb. f.) Garay. 1972 |
The Raspy Stereochilus |
AR00171 |
Cleisostoma discolor Lindl. 1845 |
The Differently Colored Cleisostoma |
AR00172 |
Cleisostoma filiforme (Lindl.) Garay. 1972 |
The Thread-Shaped Cleisostoma |
AR00173 |
Cleisostoma linearilobatum (Seidenfaden & Smitinand) Garay. 1972 |
The Linear-Lobed Cleisostoma |
AR00174 |
Cleisostoma paniculatum (Ker-Gawl.) Garay. 1972 |
The Paniculate Inflorescence Cleisostoma |
AR00175 |
Cleisostoma racemiferum (Lindl.) Garay. 1972 |
The Spike Shaped Flower Raceme Cleisostoma |
1 |
AR00176 |
Cleisostoma simondii (Gagnep.) Seidenf. 1975 |
Simond's Cleisostoma |
AR00177 |
Cleisostoma subulatum Blume. 1825 |
The Awl-Shaped Cleisostoma |
AR00178 |
Cleisostoma williamsonii (Reichb. f.) Garay. 1972 |
Williamson's Cleisostom |
AR00179 |
Cleisostoma tricallosum S. N. Hegde & A.N Rao. 1983 |
AR00180 |
Coelogyne arunachalensis Chowdhery & Pal. 1997 |
AR00181 |
Coelogyne barbata Griff. 1848 |
The Bearded Coelogyne |
2 |
AR00182 |
Coelogyne corymbosa Lindl. 1854 |
Clustered Coelogyne, The Umbrella-Like Coelogyne |
2 |
AR00183 |
Coelogyne cristata Lindl. 1821 |
Crested Coelogyne |
AR00184 |
Coelogyne fimbriata Lindl. 1825 |
Fringed Coelogyne |
1 |
AR00185 |
Coelogyne flaccida Lindl. 1830 |
The Loose Coelogyne |
AR00186 |
Coelogyne flavida Wall. ex Lindl. 1854 |
The Yellowish Coelogyne |
AR00187 |
Coelogyne fuliginosa Hook. 1849 |
The Sooty Coelogyne |
AR00188 |
Coelogyne fuscescens Lindl. 1830 |
Ocher Yellow Coelogyne |
AR00189 |
Coelogyne griffithi Hook. f. 1890 |
Griffith's Coelogyne |
AR00190 |
Coelogyne holochila P. F. Hunt & Summerh. 1966 |
The Almost Entire Lip Coelogyne |
AR00191 |
Coelogyne longipes Lindl. 1854 |
The Long Stemmed Coelogyne |
AR00192 |
Coelogyne micrantha Lindl. 1855 |
The Small Flowered Coelogyne |
AR00193 |
Coelogyne nitida (Wall. ex D. Don) Lindl. 1830 |
Shining Coelogyne |
2 |
AR00194 |
Coelogyne occultata Hook. f. 1890 |
The Hidden Coelogyne |
1 |
AR00195 |
Coelogyne ovalis Lindl. 1838 |
Oval Coelogyne, Fringed Coelogyne |
3 |
AR00196 |
Coelogyne prolifera Lindl. 1830 |
Prolific Coelogyne |
2 |
AR00197 |
Coelogyne punctulata Lindl. 1821 |
Spotted Coelogyne |
AR00198 |
Coelogyne radicosa Ridl. 1915 |
The Many Rooted Coelogyne |
AR00199 |
Coelogyne raizadae Jain & Das. 1978 |
Raizada's Coelogyne |
AR00200 |
Coelogyne rigida Par. & Reichb. f. 1874 |
The Rigid Coelogyne |
AR00201 |
Coelogyne schultesii Jain & Das. 1978 |
Schultes' Coelogyne |
AR00202 |
Coelogyne stricta (D. Don) Schltr. 1919 |
Erect Coelogyne, The Rigid Coelogyne |
AR00203 |
Coelogyne suaveolens (Lindl.) Hook. f. 1890 |
The Mildly Fragrant Coelogyne |
AR00204 |
Coelogyne viscosa Reichb. f. 1856 |
The Sticky Coelogyne |
AR00205 |
Collabium chinense (Rolfe) Tang & Wang. 1977 |
The Chinese Collabium |
AR00206 |
Conchidium muscicola (Lindl.) Rauschert. 1983 |
AR00207 |
Conchidium pusillum Griff. 1851 |
AR00208 |
Corybas himalaicus (King & Pantl.) Schltr. 1859 |
The Himalayan Corybas |
AR00209 |
Corymborkis veratrifolia (Reinw.) Blume. 1859 |
The Corymborkis With Veratrium-Like |
1 |
AR00210 |
Cremastra appendiculata (D. Don) Makino. 1904 |
The Small Appendages Cremastra |
1 |
AR00211 |
Crepidium acuminatum (D. Don) Szlach. 1995 |
AR00212 |
Crepidium calophyllum (Riechb.f.) Szlach 1995 |
AR00213 |
Crepidium khasianum (Hook. f.) Szlach. 1995 |
AR00214 |
Crepidium purpureum (Lindl.) Szlach. 1995 |
AR00215 |
Crepidium aphyllum (King & Pantl.) A. N. Rao. |
AR00216 |
Cryptochilus lutea Lindl. 1859 |
The Yellow Cryptochilus |
AR00217 |
Cryptochilus sanguinea Lindl. |
Red Cryptochilus |
1 |
AR00218 |
Cryptochilus sanguineus Wall. 1824 |
The Blood-Red Cryptochilus |
AR00219 |
Cylindrobolus arunachalensis (A. N. Rao) A. N. Rao. |
AR00220 |
Cylindrobolus cristatus (Rolfe) S. C. Chen & J. J. Wood. 2009 |
AR00221 |
Cylindrobolus glandulifera (Deori & Phukan) A. N. Rao. |
AR00222 |
Cylindrobolus hegdei (Agrawala & H. J. Chowdhery) A.N. Rao. |
AR00223 |
Cylindrobolus lohitensis (A. N. Rao, Harid. & S. H. Hegde) A. N. Rao. |
AR00224 |
Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) Swartz. 1799 |
Aloe Leaf Cymbidium, Boat Orchid |
4 |
AR00225 |
Cymbidium bicolor Lindl. 1833 |
The Two-Colored Cymbidium |
3 |
AR00226 |
Cymbidium cochleare Lindl. 1859 |
The Spoon-Shaped Cymbidium |
AR00227 |
Cymbidium cyperifolium Lindl. 1833 |
The Cyperus-Like Leafed Cymbidium |
AR00228 |
Cymbidium dayanum Reichb. f. 1869 |
Day's Cymbidium |
AR00229 |
Cymbidium devonianum Paxt. 1843 |
Devon's Cymbidium |
3 |
AR00230 |
Cymbidium eburneum Lindl. 1847 |
Ivory Cymbidium |
AR00231 |
Cymbidium elegans Lindl. 1833 |
The Elegant Cymbidium |
2 |
AR00232 |
Cymbidium erythraceum Lindl. 1859 |
The Red-Spotted Lip Cymbidium |
1 |
AR00233 |
Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) Swartz. 1799 |
Golden-thread Orchid |
1 |
AR00234 |
Cymbidium gammieanum King & Pantl. 1895 |
Gammie's Cymbidium |
AR00235 |
Cymbidium goeringii (Reichb. f.) Reichb. f. 1852 |
Goering's Cymbidium |
AR00236 |
Cymbidium hookerianum Reichb. f. 1866 |
Hooker's Cymbidium |
1 |
AR00237 |
Cymbidium iridioides D. Don. 1825 |
The Iris-Like Cymbidium |
AR00238 |
Cymbidium lancifolium Hook. 1823 |
The Lance-Leafed Cymbidium |
AR00239 |
Cymbidium longifolium D. Don. 1825 |
The Red-Spotted Lip Cymbidium |
AR00240 |
Cymbidium lowianum (Reichb. f.) Reichb. f. 1879 |
Low's Cymbidium |
AR00241 |
Cymbidium macrorhizon Lindl. 1833 |
Large Root Cymbidium, The Long Rhizome Cymbidium |
AR00242 |
Cymbidium mastersii Griff. ex Lindl. 1845 |
Master's Cymbidium |
3 |
AR00243 |
Cymbidium munronianum King & Pantl. 1895 |
Munro's Cymbidium |
AR00244 |
Cymbidium parishii Reichb. f. 1874 |
Parish's Cymbidium |
AR00245 |
Cymbidium sinense (Jack. ex Andr.) Willd. 1805 |
The Chinese Cymbidium |
2 |
AR00246 |
Cypripedium tibeticum King ex Rolfe. 1892 |
Himalayan Slipper Orchid, The Tibetan Cypripedium, Himalayan Cypripedium |
AR00247 |
Cypripedium macranthon Swartz. 1800 |
Venus's Slipper Orchid, The Large Flowered Cypripedium |
AR00248 |
Cyrtosia javanica Blume. 1823 |
The Javanese Cyrtosia |
1 |
AR00717 |
Cheirostylis moniliformis (Griff.) Seidenf. 1978 |