Youth has become the centre point for the development of any country. As per census 2011, every third person in India is a young person (15-29 years: NYP 2014). Proportion of youth population increased steadily from 16.5 per cent in 1971 to 19.2 per cent in 2011. India is the youngest country with 64 per cent of its population in the working age group. Being the youngest country in the world and having the major chunk of youth population, India has to devise various programmes, policies and welfare measures by positioning youth as the focus of our nation building. In order to make youth as productive human resource for national development and active citizens in civic engagement activities, they must be equipped with knowledge, essential skills and positive attitudes. There are lot of opportunities and challenges before the youth of North-East Region (NER) of India. The region owing to its own historical legacies, geopolitical and socio-cultural settings exposed the youth of the region to the situations which are unique and very peculiar at the present time. Therefore, to address the issues and challenges, building capacities, utilizing energy of youth in the NER especially in Arunachal Pradesh, the Centre for Youth Development and Leadership Studies (CYDLS) was established in 2017 at Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU), Rono Hills, Doimukh. In this short span of time, centre has progressed well and is continuously striving for achieving its objectives.

The Centre for Youth Development and Leadership Studies (CYDLS) has been established through the vide notification no. AC-108/2007(Vol-II)/397 dated 11th July, 2017 at the Rajiv Gandhi University (A Central University), Rono Hills, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh with an aim to address the issues and challenges, building capacities, utilizing energy of youth in the North East Region of India especially in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. Since its inception CYDLS is continuously working towards the betterment of youth through various approaches vis-à-vis extension activities, skill and capacity development programmes, training, workshops, seminars, conferences, and instituting awards and scholarships to motivate youth.
The Vision of the CYDLS is to groom youth as potential leaders in the process of sustainable development. The centre has a mission to develop a platform for progressive engagement and empowerment of youth through professional training and guidance. Also for nourishing leadership attributes among youth through innovation, research, and skills development.
i. To promote psycho-social well-being of youth;
ii. To conduct leadership qualities and orientation towards social responsibility among youth;
iii. To involve youth in community development through national schemes and programmes; and
iv. To conduct training and research on youth development and leadership
In order to operationalise vision and mission of CYDLS, three specific Cells are working to achieve the objectives of centre:
Counselling Resource Cell (CRC):
CRC is working with its motto being to offer “a hand to hold and a heart to understand” for helping youth, suffering from mental illness or symptoms of it both minor and/or severe. CRC is determined to provide immediate and long term counseling services to the needy youth on weekly basis.
Youth and Community Engagement Cell (YCEC):
YCEC is engaging youth for community development through participatory approach. Under this cell youth are also being engaged in several government and non-governmental programmes.
Training and Leadership Research Cell (TLRC):
TLRC is committed to enhance the capacity and leadership skills of youth by organizing various programmes vis-à-vis workshops, training, symposium, capacity building programmes, seminars, and research etc.