Head of the Department 

Prof. H. N. Sharma
Phone: 9436059038

Email: hirendra.sarma@rgu.ac.in

View Profile

Year of Establish: 1997

The Department started in 1997 under Faculty of Life Science RGU. The course curricula in semester pattern were introduced in Zoology from the academic session 2000 – 01 and continued with the same system through several revisions till 2015. At present the faculty strength in the Department is nine with six numbers of Assistant Professor, and three numbers of Professors. The student strength is twenty eight in each semester. The course structure is being followed as per UGC guidelines and subsequently revised time to time. Accordingly the Department introduced the Choice Based Credits System (CBCS) since 2015. The students are offered with five Departmental Elective Courses under current CBCS system covering both the 3rd and 4th Semester on the backdrop of distinguished expertise of the faculty members and launched one Open Elective Courses for the students of other Departments. The Department is also running M.Phil and Doctoral Programme as the regular academic activities and the students get admitted in the M. Phil and Ph. D programme through entrance test specially designed for the purpose. A Ph. D course work of one semester duration is mandatory for all the doctoral candidates in Ph. D programme of the department.

The Department of Zoology is actively involved in research in frontier areas of life sciences via several sponsored research projects since it inception. It has also been recognized as Center with Potential for Excellence in Biodiversity (CPEB) by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi since, 2003. The major research thrust under CPEB scheme includes (i) Validation of herbal reproductive medicines (ii) Wild life and avifauna (iii) Fisheries, fish biology and fish parasites (iv) Edible insects and insect fauna.

Faculty of Life science offer advance post graduate diploma in Biodiversity for graduate in Science discipline candidate only, project is Collaboration with Zoology & Botany.


List of Students in various courses

Distinguish Visitors

Resources Person/ Special Lectures


Research and Projects


Conference proceedings

Master of Science in Zoology

Department Department of Zoology
Duration 2
Minimum Age Limit 0
Course Price 11250.00
Intake Capacity 0
Intake Capacity 28
Entrance Test Required (RGUCET)
Syllabus M.Sc programme

Ph. D. in Zoology

Department Department of Zoology
Duration 5
Minimum Age Limit 0
Course Price  8800.00
Intake Capacity 0
Intake Capacity subject to the availability of seat / vacancy
Entrance Test Required (RGUMPET)
Research Methodology
PAPER-I : Research Methodology

M. Phil. in Zoology

Department Department of Zoology
Duration 2
Minimum Age Limit 0
Course Price 10400.00
Intake Capacity 5
Intake Capacity 5
Entrance Test Required (RGUMPET)
Economic Theory-II
Paper-III : Economic Theory-II
Prof. Debangshu Narayan Das

Specialization: Fish and Fisheries, Aquatic ecology & farming systems

+91- 9436220201debangshu.das@rgu.ac.in
Prof. Hirendra Nath Sarma

Specialization: Molecular Endocrinology & Reproductive Biology

+91- 9436059038hirendra.sarma@rgu.ac.in
Prof. Jharna Chakraborty

Specialization: Zoology (Biochemistry)

+91- 9436897778jharna.chakraborty@rgu.ac.in
Dr. Manuj Kumar Bharali

Specialization: Cell and Molecular Biology

Dr. Daniel Mize
Associate Professor

Specialization: Birdlife, wildlife status and conservation issues

Mr. Mairembam Stelin Singh
Assistant Professor

Specialization: Molecular Endocrinology & Reproductive Biology

Dr. Hiren Gogoi
Assistant Professor

Specialization: Insect Science (Entomology)

Dr. Gunjan Kumar Saurav
Assistant Professor
+91- 9555868650gunjan.saurav@rgu.ac.in
Dr. Arnab Ghosh
Assistant Professor

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National Seminar on Recent Trends in Zoological Research

Series Name :National Seminar

Presenter :Department of Zoology

Sponser :

Location :Department of Zoology

his event aims to bring together researchers, academicians, and students to discuss advancements in zoological studies, focusing on biodiversity, ecology, genetics, and wildlife conservation. The seminar will highlight research on climate change impacts, molecular biology, entomology, and aquatic ecosystems.

For more detail click here


Training on Camera Traps, GIS and Honey Bee Identification

Series Name :Workshop

Presenter :Department of Zoology

Sponser :

Location :Department of Zoology

This workshop focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of camera traps, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and identification of honey bees.

For more information please visit  Here


International Seminar on “Molecular Approaches in Zoological Research”

Series Name :Workshop

Presenter :Department of Zoology

Sponser :

Location :Department of Zoology

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to cordially invite you to attend the one-day “International Seminar on Molecular Approaches in Zoological Research” on February 24th, 2022 organized by the Department of Zoology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, via online mode. There will be three 45 minute presentations by the three eminent scientists of international reputation, followed by Oral Presentations. Registration for the Seminar Here

For more information please visit Here


Workshop on “Analytical Instruments and its Applications (GCMS and HPLC)”

Series Name :Workshop

Presenter :Department of Zoology

Sponser :DBT Funded Chemical Ecology Programme

Location :Department of Zoology

Department of Zoology, Rajiv Gandhi University, is organizing a short-Term workshop on Analytical Instruments & their Application (GCMS & HPLC) from 13-15 June 2019. This is the first workshop on the advance equipment’s like GCMS being organized by any institute in Arunachal Pradesh.

The course module includes- introductory lectures by Prof. JharnaChakravorty, RGU and Prof. Mousomi Poddar, University of Kolkata, hands-on training by GCMS experts from Bangalore & Kolkata, data interpretation session and interactive sessions with experts. Study materials and video clipping will be provided to the participants for future use.

For more information please visit Here

Workshop Registration Form

Molecular Structure Determination using X-ray Crystallography: Theory & Hands on experience”

Series Name :National

Presenter :Department of Zoology

Sponser :UGC (CPEB II)

Location :CPEB II RGU

Name of the Coordinator / Convener : Prof. H .N .Sarma

Hands-on Training on “Fluorescence Microscopic Technique and Image Analysis: Leica DM500 B Microsystem”

Series Name :National

Presenter :Department of Zoology

Sponser :UGC (CPEB II)

Location :CPEB II RGU

Name of the Coordinator / Convener : Prof. H .N .Sarma

Workshop on “Wildlife Photography Techniques”

Series Name :National

Presenter :Department of Zoology

Sponser :UGC (CPEB II)

Location :CPEB II RGU

Name of the Coordinator / Convener : Prof. H .N .Sarma

Recent Trends in Bio-resource Management & Biodiversity Conservation

Series Name :National

Presenter :Department of Zoology

Sponser :UGC (CPEB II)

Location :CPEB II RGU

Name of the Coordinator / Convener : Prof. H .N .Sarma


  • Students qualified civil services like IAS, IPS, PCS and are posted in various capacities.
  • Students are qualifying NET, JRF’s.


Department of zoology

Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, India

Mobile: 0000000000

e-mail: departmentofzoology@gmail.com


S.No. Description View
1 National and International seminars are held from time to time by the Department. View
2 National and International seminars are held from time to time by the Department. View
3 National and International seminars are held from time to time by the Department. View
4 National and International seminars are held from time to time by the Department. View


S.No. Faculty Title View
1 Prof. Jharna Chakraborty zoology View
2 Prof. Jharna Chakraborty zoology View
3 Prof. Jharna Chakraborty zoology View
4 Prof. Jharna Chakraborty zoology View

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Mission Swachhata-A Gandhian Play

The department of English has performed the play entitled “Mission Swachhata-A Gandhian Play” to commemorate 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

Photo Albums