Sno. Date Subject Download
Sno. Date Subject Download
-> 17-02-2025 Corrigendum – NIQ for construction of parking shed
-> 14-02-2025 NIQ for construction of parking shed
-> 28-01-2025 Purchase Committee meeting-30-01-2025
-> 14-02-2025 NIQ for construction of parking shed
-> 23-01-2025 Corrigendum – NIQ for Mess Services for Halls of Residence
-> 21-01-2025 NIQ for Mess Services for Halls of Residence
-> 17-01-2025 Expression of Interest (EoI) for Departmental Store at Multi Utility Building
-> 02-01-2025 Quotation for sign board, nameplates & etc
-> 20-12-2024 Corrigendum – NIQ for Cleaning Dustbin, Garbage Lifting and Disposing
-> 18-12-2024 NIQ for Cleaning Dustbin, Garbage Lifting and Disposing
-> 18-12-2024 NIQ for Sanitary Pad Vending Machine and Incinerator
-> 14-11-2024 Expression of Interest-Departmental Store at Multi Utility Building
-> 01-11-2024 NIT for making name Plate,sign board,incumbency board etc
-> 10-09-2024 Invitation for Expression of Interest(EoI)for supply of Gold Medals(Convocation)
-> 03-09-2024 NIT for Annual Rate Contract for Printing Works of RGU
-> 21-08-2024 NIQ for Water Purifier and Water Cooler
-> 09-08-2024 NIQ submission date extended upto 23.08.2024[NO.RGU/HC/RS/2019/24/27]
-> 07-08-2024 Corrigendum-NIQ for Mess services of Halls of Residence
-> 31-07-2024 NIQ for Design and Development of IDE Website
-> 26-07-2024 NIQ for Mess services of Halls of Residence
-> 22-07-2024 Extension of Notice Inviting Quotation
-> 15-07-2024 Expression of Interest for Departmental Store (All in One)
-> 15-07-2024 NIT for Annual Rate of Contract for Scarf with Emblem and Mementoes of RGU
-> 01-07-2024 Tender Award Details
-> 25-06-2024 NIQ for preparing/making of Name Plates/Sign Boards etc.
-> 15-05-2024 NIQ for procurement of scientific equipments under the DST-SERB Project
-> 19-02-2024 Corrigendum related to NIT No. RGU/Dev-384/2023/(NIT)-2022-23 dated 19.02.2024
-> 14-02-2024 NIT – Minor construction works in various faculty buildings at Rajiv Gandhi University
-> 08-01-2024 Auction Notice for disposal of condemned vehicles of the Rajiv Gandhi University
-> 08-01-2024 NIQ for Design and Development of Journal Management System
-> 20-12-2023 NIQ-Procurement of scientific equipments under the DST-SERB sponsored SRG project
-> 12-12-2023 NIT for construction of faculty building-Zoology
-> 08-12-2023 EOI for engagement of CA firm for assessment of Income tax
-> 04-12-2023 NIT for Annual Rate Contract for Supply of Curtains, Blinds, Vinyl and Accessories
-> 24-11-2023 NIQ-for cleaning dustbins & garbage
-> 06-11-2023 EoI for supply of Gold Medal for Convocation
-> 18-10-2023 NIT-from Govt.approved license holder security agencies/firms for security personnel
-> 14-09-2023 Auction Notice-For Bolero,Mahindra(IDE)
-> 25-08-2023 Annual Rate of Contract for supply of curtains, Blinds, Vinyl and Accessories
-> 24-07-2023 NIQ-[Wheel Chair,Auxiliary Crutch & Elbow Crutch]
-> 19-07-2023 NIQ for procurement of equipments for Dept. of Food Technology
-> 10-07-2023 Annual Rate Contract for Supply for Chemicals, Reagents, Glassware, Plastic ware and Minor Equipment
-> 10-07-2023 Annual Rate Contract for Printing Works
-> 01-04-2020
to 31-03-2023
Supply order of reference books ( for the year 2020-2023)
-> 28-06-2023 Supply order World Book Fair 2022-23 ( for the year 2020-2023)
-> 01-04-2020
to 31-03-2023
Supply order of e-books ( for the year 2020-2023)
-> 01-04-2020
to 31-03-2023
Supply order of text books ( for the year 2020- 21 , 2021-22 and 2022-23)
-> 01-04-2018
to 31-03-2020
Supply orders (Library Books for the Financial Year 2018-20
-> 01-04-2022
to 31-03-2023
NIQ/NIT (Civil & Electrical) for the Financial Year 2022-23
-> 01-04-2022
to 31-03-2023
Supply orders (Civil) for the Financial Year 2022-23
-> 01-04-2022
to 31-03-2023
GeM Bid(ICT) for the Financial Year 2022-23
-> 01-04-2022
to 31-03-2023
GeM Contract(ICT) for the Financial Year 2022-23
-> 01-04-2022
to 31-03-2023
Supply Order(ICT) for the Financial Year 2022-23
-> 01-04-2022
to 31-03-2023
Rate Contract for the Financial Year 2022-23
-> 01-04-2022
to 31-03-2023
Work Contract for the Financial Year 2022-23
-> 01-04-2022
to 31-03-2023
NIT/NIQ for the Financial Year 2022-23
-> 01-04-2022
to 31-03-2023
Supply Orders for the Financial Year 2022-23
-> 19-06-2023 NIQ-Installing and Customizing of Moodle LMS
-> 16-06-2023 NIQ-supply of Laboratory equipment/Devices for Health Centre
-> 15-06-2023 NIQ-supply of equipments for Dept. of Agriculture Sciences
-> 01-06-2023 NIQ-supply of equipments for Dept. of Food Technology
-> 22-03-2023 NIQ-supply of equipments for Dept. of Sports Science
-> 14-03-2023 Repairing & renovation of old parking lot
-> 10-03-2023 NIQ-Supply of items for shooting range
-> 27-02-2023 NIT for construction of Conference Hall for Social Science Building at Rajiv Gandhi University
-> 23-02-2023 NIT for re-carpeting(Road)renovation,re-painting,wall construction etc
-> 06-02-2023 NIT-Supply of equipments of Dept.of Agriculture Science
-> 27-01-2023 NIT (Limited) for construction of approach road
-> 20-01-2023 Extension of EOI vide No. RGU/DEV-335/IDE/2015/348 Dated 4th January 2023
-> 11-01-2023 Notice-Inviting Expression of Interest
-> 05-01-2023 NIT-Construction work for Education dept/Faculty building of Social Science & Language
-> 05-01-2023 NIQ-Procurement of scientific equipments under the DST-SERB sponsored project
-> 30-12-2022 NIQ-Procurement of Filled in modified air gas Cylinder under DST-SERB sponsored project
-> 23-12-2022 NIQ-Procurement of scientific equipments under the DST-SERB sponsored project
-> 23-12-2022 NIQ-Procurement of Filled-in Argon Gas Cylinder under the DST-SERB sponsored project
-> 15-12-2022 NIQ-Supply and repairing of spare parts/repairing works of University Vehicles
-> 13-12-2022 Expression of Interest Extended-15/12/2022
-> 09/12/2022 Expression of Interest – Architectural Work/Consultancy Works in respect of RGU
-> 24/11/2022 NIT for Name plate,Sign Board,Re-Painting of sign board,Incumbency boards etc
-> 23/11/2022 NIQ for Supply of Equipments for Dept. of Food Technology
-> 11/11/2022 NIQ for major repairing of heavy vehicles
-> 11/11/2022 NIQ for Design and Development of Alumni Portal of RGU
-> 03/11/2022 Rate of Contract for supply of all kitchen items
-> 27/10/2022 NIQ for Supply of emergency medicines to the Health Centre, RGU
-> 21/10/2022 NIQ for Procurement of Scientific Equipments under DST-SERB sponsored project
-> 14/10/2022 NIQ for supply of equipments for Dept. of Agricultural Sciences
-> 10/10/2022 NIQ for supply of ICT equipments
-> 29/09/2022 Data regarding items procured in the financial year 2021-22 – Computer Centre
-> 29/09/2022 Data regarding items procured in the financial year 2021-22 – Store Section
-> 29/09/2022 Data regarding items procured in the financial year 2021-22 – Project Cell
-> 29/09/2022 Data regarding items procured in the financial year 2021-22 – Deputy Registrar Office
-> 29/09/2022 Details of Project – Development Branch
-> 29/09/2022 Data regarding instrument procured in the financial year 2021-22 – Department of Zoology
-> 29/09/2022 Data regarding expenditure in the financial year 2021-22 – Department of Physics
-> 29/09/2022 Data regarding expenditure in the financial year 2021-22 – Department of Botany
-> 21/09/2022 NIQ for supply of medals for awarding in the Convocation
-> 19/09/2022 EOI for Supply of study cubicles (Furniture)
-> 28/08/2022 Detail of projects
-> 28/08/2022 Engineering Cell ongoing projects
-> 26/08/2022 Tender and Procurement related Documents of various departments
-> 25/08/2022 NIQ for supply of equipments for Dept.of Geography
-> 12/07/2022 NIQ for Supply of Scientific equipments for DBT sponsored Project
-> 22/06/2022 NIQ for Supply and Printing of Security Entry Pass
-> 17/06/2022 NIT for Supply of emergency medicines, chemical reagents and surgical instrument[Health Centre]
-> 01-06-2022 EOI for Curtain, Blinds, Vinyl and accessories
-> 26/05/2022 EOI for Supply of concrete garden chair
-> 20/05/2022 EOI for Supply of Photocopier Machine on Buy Back System
-> 18/05/2022 NIQ for Approval of rates of various materials required for Rajiv Gandhi University
-> 05/05/2022 NIQ for supply of equipments for Dept. of Geography
-> 22/04/2022 NIQ for supply of equipments under DST-SERB sponsored project
-> 13/04/2022 NIQ for supply of equipments for Dept. of Botany
-> 13/04/2022 NIQ for supply of equipments for Dept. of Geography
-> 11/04/2022 NIQ for supply of equipments for Dept. of Agricultural Sciences
-> 11/04/2022 NIQ for supply of scientific equipments for Dept. of Zoology
-> 27/03/2022 NIQ-For procurement of ICT equipments project sponsored by State Govt.
-> 11/03/2022 NIQ-For supply of equipments for Dept. of Geography
-> 07/03/2022 NIQ-For supply of equipments for Dept. of sports science
-> 04/03/2022 NIQ-For binding of rare books [Central Library]
-> 28/01/2022 NIQ-supply of equipments for Dept. of Geography
-> 06/12/2021 NIQ-Construction of Pro-VC Office & Confidential room(Finance Branch)
-> 02/12/2021 NIQ-Supply of equipments for Dept.of Agriculture Science
-> 18/11/2021 NIQ-Disposal of obsolete & unserviceable goods
-> 18/11/2021 NIQ-supply of scientific equipments for department of Zoology
-> 18/11/2021 NIQ-supply of scientific equipments for department of Botany
-> 16/11/2021 NIQ Invite Annual Rate of Contract-supply of Air Conditioner
-> 08/11/2021 Notice inviting sealed quotations-Binding rare books [Central Library]
-> 25/10/2021 Notification-purchase committee meeting(NIT-No.ST-203/DUS/2011)
-> 27/09/2021 NIT Re – Carpeting and CC Drain work
-> 16/09/2021 NIQ-Disposal of obsolete & unserviceable goods,materials etc
-> 15/09/2021 Corrigendum-against NIQ No.ST-399/Food Tech/2021 Dated 2nd Sept,2021 [Food Technology]
-> 13/09/2021 Date extension-submission of bids for disposal of waste paper NIQ No.ST-187/WP/2007
-> 07/09/2021 NIQ-supply of equipments for department of Food Technology
-> 24/08/2021 NIQ-supply for equipments as per Annexure-I
-> 02/07/2021 NIQ-supply for equipments for Dept. of Physics
-> 02/07/2021 NIQ-for disposal of Waste Paper
-> 02/07/2021 NIQ-supply for equipments for Dept. of Chemistry
-> 30/06/2021 NIQ-Supply of equipments for Dept. of Anthropology
-> 27/04/2021 Corrigendum-against tender no. ST-311/PhyEdu/2014(Vol-II), dated 23 March,2021
-> 27/04/2021 NIQ for supply of equipments as per Annexure-I
-> 23/04/2021 NIQ-supply of Scientific equipments under DBT sponsored project [Botany]
-> 23/04/2021 NIQ-supply of items for CFEL [AITS]
-> 15/04/2021 Expression of Interest
-> 24/03/2021 NIT for procurement of Equipment for Sports Sciences Courses
-> 17/03/2021 Extension bid submission against NIQ No. CC-04/PROC/2020 dated 25th Feb 2021- [22nd March 2021]
-> 12/03/2021 Extension bid submission against NIQ No. CC-03/PROC/2020 dated 25th Feb 2021- [22nd March 2021]
-> 10/03/2021 NIQ for ICT Equipments (Mac)
-> 10/03/2021 NIQ for ICT Equipments
-> 15/01/2021 NIQ for Boxing Scoring System
-> 21/12/2020 NIQ for security services
-> 07/12/2020 NIQ for supply of Catridge/Toner from Authorized dealer
-> 18/12/2020 NIQ (Annual Rate Contract) supply Chemicals, Reagents, Glassware etc
-> 17/11/2020 NIQ for name plate,sign board,rubber seal etc
-> 30/10/2020 NIQ No.RGU/DBT/RKS-420 (Equip)212/213 Quotation submission date extended